What are you doing this Wednesday night? Nothing? Well, then, why not Wine Not with DJ Y-Not? (Try saying that five times fast.)
But, seriously, head over to the College Park location of Dechoes, one of Orlando’s best vintage shops, for the first 2011 installment of their famed Wine Not Wednesday. As if you need them, here are five reasons to go:
DJ Y-Not Chances are, you’ve already heard of him; if not, it’s time you did. By far one of the most talented DJs Orlando has to offer, this dude has amazing taste in music, should have won the Red Bull 3 Style competition last March and threw some sick parties in 2010 (Kenny Dope and Deathrow vs. Bad Boy to name a few). Bottom line: see him.
Free Booze As the name suggests, there will be free wine on hand. If that’s not your thing, grab a free Peroni beer or, if you’re feeling daring, have some of the spiked Dec-hoe punch. But be careful – it’s sponsored by Wally’s, so that can only mean a Thursday hangover.
Free Food The newly-opened Graffiti Junktion in College Park provide the snacks to soak up some of the previously mentioned punch.
Cool Shit To put it simply, Dechoes is the mack. Besides the usual resale items like clothing, shoes, purses and accessories, they also have amazingly dope retro household items. (Will someone please buy me a 70’s owl lamp?) And everything is so ridiculously affordable, even if you plan on not buying anything, a few glasses of Dec-hoe punch will surely loosen your wallet. (That is the point, after all!)
Support Local Businesses! Here’s the deal – places like Dechoes are working for us. They’re busting their butt so we can have a better city. If we don’t help them out, we lose them. Too many cool businesses leave Orlando for greener pastures, so make sure you buy local as much as possible and keep them here. We need them. Orlando needs them. Thank you, Dechoes!

Happy Wednesday!
But, seriously, head over to the College Park location of Dechoes, one of Orlando’s best vintage shops, for the first 2011 installment of their famed Wine Not Wednesday. As if you need them, here are five reasons to go:
DJ Y-Not Chances are, you’ve already heard of him; if not, it’s time you did. By far one of the most talented DJs Orlando has to offer, this dude has amazing taste in music, should have won the Red Bull 3 Style competition last March and threw some sick parties in 2010 (Kenny Dope and Deathrow vs. Bad Boy to name a few). Bottom line: see him.
Free Booze As the name suggests, there will be free wine on hand. If that’s not your thing, grab a free Peroni beer or, if you’re feeling daring, have some of the spiked Dec-hoe punch. But be careful – it’s sponsored by Wally’s, so that can only mean a Thursday hangover.
Free Food The newly-opened Graffiti Junktion in College Park provide the snacks to soak up some of the previously mentioned punch.
Cool Shit To put it simply, Dechoes is the mack. Besides the usual resale items like clothing, shoes, purses and accessories, they also have amazingly dope retro household items. (Will someone please buy me a 70’s owl lamp?) And everything is so ridiculously affordable, even if you plan on not buying anything, a few glasses of Dec-hoe punch will surely loosen your wallet. (That is the point, after all!)
Support Local Businesses! Here’s the deal – places like Dechoes are working for us. They’re busting their butt so we can have a better city. If we don’t help them out, we lose them. Too many cool businesses leave Orlando for greener pastures, so make sure you buy local as much as possible and keep them here. We need them. Orlando needs them. Thank you, Dechoes!
Peep more info on the Facebook invite.
And if you’re feeling saucy after the party, head downtown to The Attic (also formerly known as AKA Lounge) for Golden Age Wednesdays. This brand spankin’ new weekly party features the finer side of hip hop (before the auto-tune, that is), along with old school, neo-soul, reggae and R&B. The night is brought to us by the cool kids over at Culture Climax, also busting their asses to make our fair city more hip and happening. So support them too! First on deck is DJ Hu Flave. (Please note the aforementioned DJ Y-Not slotted for January 19.)
And if you’re feeling saucy after the party, head downtown to The Attic (also formerly known as AKA Lounge) for Golden Age Wednesdays. This brand spankin’ new weekly party features the finer side of hip hop (before the auto-tune, that is), along with old school, neo-soul, reggae and R&B. The night is brought to us by the cool kids over at Culture Climax, also busting their asses to make our fair city more hip and happening. So support them too! First on deck is DJ Hu Flave. (Please note the aforementioned DJ Y-Not slotted for January 19.)

Happy Wednesday!