Margaret Cho is "performing" at Hard Rock Live tonight and it's fucking SOLD OUT.

Really? There are really that many people who would buy her tickets??? Seriously??? Orlando, how can I keep sticking up for you if you are going to keep doing this to me???
Anyway, on to the REAL events for the evening.
Tonight at The Peacock Room is everyone's favorite Mexican wresting-themed monthly party, Club Queso, hosted by Q-Burns Abstract Message and Hoochie Productions. This time the theme is "disco" -- quite possibly my least favorite theme besides Pimps and Hoes.

It's not because I hate disco, it's because I love disco: the music, clothes and everything associated with the whole scene. I seriously can't stand when people try to replicate the era in a cheeseball way. Here's a good example of what I mean:

Sigh. Not to mention that Q-Burns won't play anything that even remotely resembles disco. He probably has a bajillion disco records, too, so why not play some at a freaking disco party???!!!???!!! Okay, now I’m just getting mad.
Let's watch the real deal.
Now I feel better.
If middle-aged white folks dressed in bad afro wigs isn't your scene, then join Andrew Spear and MOT over at Sky60 for their new weekly party, Get Mental.

Tonight they invite you to join them for "Dirty Dancing" and the password for free admission is appropriately "Nobody puts baby in the corner." You'll have the time of your life and you'll owe it all to those two.
1 comment:
Really? You don't get why folks love Margaret Cho? She's got to be one of the funniest women alive, in my opinion!
Who do you think is funny these days?
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