It seems like we may have escaped the wrath of little Miss Hanna, but now it appears that her little buddies are bubbling to life in our mighty oceanic neighbor. Hopefully, they'll stay away till Monday, at least. Alright so I'm going to do this a little differently, because to be perfectly honest, I get to be unbiased this weekend because:
- I love Pauly, Andrew and Mot, and have too many friends moonlighting as Backbooth employees
- I have surrendered my weekend plans to my friend Katie, because It's her birthday and she gets to pick where we go (except Sunday, cuz its too hot for Islands of Adventure)
So without Further Ado, Here are your Friday Options for you:
Wanna Stay Local? Here are two Options for ya.
Get Mental @ Sky 60
Always a good time to be had under the stars at Sky 60. Plus this week, you get to watch Don't Sleep's very own
Miss Becky behind the turntables, and, If you're really lucky, you get to watch me harass her with pictures, and cat calls as she does it.
The password is "Rock you like a hurricane" and Andrew ensures me that he will remain sober enough to play a full set this time, and not be at the airport or somewhere else, or sweating in a cabana wearing a headdress and a goofy smile. Katie and I will be there in full celebration mode. Photos by KColl as usual.
54 North Orange Ave. Orlando, FL
The rooftop of The Social/BBQ.
Drink Specials:
8pm - 11pm: Half Off Cocktails
11pm - 1am: $3 Beers and $3 "Three Olive Vodka" Drinks
$5 or Free w/ Password
Doors @ 10 / 21+ ONLY
Footloose @ Backbooth
Footloose used to be on wednesdays. Then it got cancelled because backbooth was having a hard time booking actual shows and concerts since the night starts at midnight and its hard to get everyone done and out by then.
Now footloose has moved to Friday. It took me a minute, but here is the updated Flyer, at least, for the new friday night.Still the best of 80's Dance music, that drink specials include a free keg of Miller High Life, and cheap drinks.
Location:Backbooth on
37. West Pine Street
GOOGLE MAPDrink Specials:
See above, otherwise, your guess is as good as mine
Details:Doors are at 10pm, 18 and up $4, 21 and up Free
There may still be a guest list involved, but I don't know where it is
Wanna Get Out of Town? Drive to Tampa for

Pauly Crush and le Friends are once again hosting/welcoming/chaperoning
Designer Drugs at
Club Czar. The event is doubling as a video shoot for
Yo Majesty's single Club Action. Dress the part, bring your friends, enjoy the open bar and free beer, and have a blast. Resident DJs will be performing as well.
The weekend will present more goodies I'm sure, but for now, my boss is glaring at me like i drowned his kittens for doing nothing but blog posts all morning.