Anyways, enough about me. How are you? Big plans this weekend? You should... it's jam-packed full of goodies. Let's get on with it, shall we?

As usual, kicking off the weekend is Get Mental, the insane dance party under the stars at Sky60. Your usual cast of characters, MOT and Andrew Spear, are back this week and Sarah Bitchface Palin has them pissed off, as demonstrated by this Myspace bulletin:
friday night.
2gether once again.
I probably wont, but I'd like to play SPEED METAL ALL NIGHT,
(dramatic pause)
.....there there, andrew.
you dont want to offend anyone.
you want to keep your political views out of your bulletins.
(longer dramatic pause)
..............@$%#&#$&*@$@$(*#*$#(*$.......FUCK IT !!!!!!!
the password for your free admission to SKY60 2NIGHT IS,
and if you dont recognize the reference then you should !!!!!
10pm -- downtown rooftop
word the fuck up --power to the people---Andrew

Saturday night's festivities begin with a fashion show slash art, music, craft event over at the Say It Loud building. The lovely Katie of Etoile Boutique and A Rare Bird is teaming up with Keiko from to bring you fashions that will knock your vintage socks off. Also on hand are plenty of crafts and goodies from local designers and the major attraction: a Men's and Women's Vintage Clothing Swap. So bring the clothes you never wear anymore to exchange and some cash to support your local designers. Suggested donation is $5.

Next up on Saturday's agenda is brought to you by Hoochie Productions, who will be bringing Andy Caldwell yet again to The Social. I'm pretty sure this is the 800th time he's played in town (Kaskade being the only house DJ topping his record) but that doesn't mean people are sick of him yet. Presale tickets are $10 at the Social box office and $13 day of show.

And who doesn't love Sunday brunch (read: drinking to cure Saturday's hangover)? Instead of cramming in to the official afterparty that is Dexters of Thorton Park, why not contribute to a good cause? Crooked Bayou is holding a brunch to celebrate the birthday of recently deceased Donald Johnson, a local man who helped shape Orlando's dance music scene since the early nineties. Sue and Fluff will be concocting Cajun brunch specials and pouring mimosas and Bloody Marys for the occasion with music by Tard and Dante. Proceeds benefit the Donald R. Johnson Charitable Account.

After you get your brunch on, grab your bathing suit and head over to the Metropolitan at Lake Eola. The SPLASH! Pool Party is the infamous Sunday gathering where meatheads meet scenseters (questioned by Defame:Orlando as: "THEE weekly 'party' in which we all coexist and love one another???"). The mere $8 admission (seriously??? you have to be joking) supposedly includes free BBQ, a margarita, and a free massage. I guess that’s worth it… maybe. Music this week will be provided by Anna Dang, Cub and DJ Dirty Sneakers.

And finally, if you still have it in you, Sunday night kicks off Season 8 of Rockstar Bowling at Colonial Lanes. This ain't your parents' bowling league -- it's geared towards the folks in the service industry who are stuck serving our drunk asses every weekend. Since it's technically their "Saturday" night, things can get pretty messy (read: Drunky McDrunk Drunk). Those who can't handle Monday morning hangovers need not apply.
Good night and good luck.
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