Dear recent Orlando transplant:

Ok, so you just moved to Orlando from New York / Philly / Chicago / San Francisco / et al. You feel lost, uprooted, misplaced -- you're starting to think Orlando might suck. Eager to find some nightlife in this town, you go to Lattitudes on Church Street, Slingapour's on Wall Street and that mega-club on Orange Avenue owned by one of those Backstreet Boys (Orlando's finest celebrities). Maybe you even think International Drive, Citywalk or Downtown Disney is where everyone hangs out in this town. Now you really think Orlando sucks.

Well, you're wrong. There is more to this city than theme park "nightlife" and crappy clubs with guys wearing shiny shirts, but you have to know where to look. Instead of complaining about how lame Orlando is compared to your city of origin, why not get out there and support your new scene -- it's a lot better than you think! After all, you moved here for a reason, right? (I'm guessing to escape the cold weather.) So you can do one of two things: either 1) move back to the city you think is sooooo much more awesome or 2) quit bitchin', check the events below and DON'T SLEEP on the shit that is happening!

Friday, November 28, 2008

When Black Friday Comes...

Welcome Orlando kids who have stayed in town this holiday weekend. I took the last few days off to do the family and cooking thing, but now I'm here with your leftover Thanksgiving weekend events.

Right now, as we speak (or, as I type would be more correct) The Milk District is hosting one of their killer parties in honor of Black Friday. Head over to Etoile Boutique, Covert and Beta for awesome sales, leftover potluck goodness, potent holiday punch and dope ass music. Party is happening until 7PM.

Tonight, don’t miss an awesome show concealed by a shitty marketing title. The 2K Sports Bounce Tour hits House of Blues tonight in an effort to promote video games. Oh, and Q-Tip and Cool Kids are headlining.

Over at BackBooth catch Too Hot Redux, a music and art show featuring Peter Baldwin, Unique Assassin with DJ Dirty Sneakers and aesthetic by Mokobun.

Peacock Room is helping you work off your extra helping of turkey with their Stuffed party, featuring Latenight Society, Atnarko and Tard.

Also helping you work off the Turkey Day fat are the Spam Allstars at The Social. The 9-pice band blends “electronic elements and turntables with Latin rhythms, funk, hip-hop and dub to create an eclectic, original sound.”

Saturday night don’t miss Mumpsy and Yip-Yip at BackBooth.

Also tomorrow night kicks off a new party - Secret Saturdays at Bikkuri Sushi. This week fesatures LT Smash and Kittybat.

Hope you’re having a great holiday weekend!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Free Mustache Rides and Other Weekend Events

Kids, I am letting you down this week. I blame it on massive lay-offs that have been happening in my office (they always go down on Friday), which also means I blame it on all George W. Fucking Bush. Anyways, I'm a tad distraught today since things are not well and I can't really write anything fun. Le sigh.

Also, it's Florida Classic weekend so my suggestion would be to avoid downtown all together.

Either way, here are some flyers. I promise more engaging posts in the future.

Free Mustache Rides @ Crooked Bayou:

Also, Hush @ The Warehouse Space, 630 W. Central Ave

Saturday - Devin the fucking Dude!!!! at BackBooth:

Also Saturday @ Redlight Redlight:

Good luck. I'll be drowning my sorrows in vodka and old movies with Marilyn Monroe while praying I get to keep my job. See you next week for all the Thanksgiving going-ons. (I'll be in a better mood, I swear).

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pop Off is .... errr... Popping Off Tonight

The holiday edition of Pop Off is going down tonight at The Social. If you're so inclined to brave the semi-cold weather and get there at 9, you'll be rewarded with free admission and an hour of free wells and PBR tall boys. If you'd rather go a tad later, there will be $5 Patron shots to keep you warm and $1.50 PBR's for all you cheap hipsters. I would stick with these specials since the drinks are grossly over-priced at The Social these days. Music will be provided by the ever so talented Rocksteady Soundsystem (aka the dynamic duo of Kittybat and Diddles) along with the horribly named FISHDICKS + Hardersauce. 18 and up welcome, $5 cover after 10 PM.

PS... I love how fly Obama looks on the flyer.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Anti*Pop + Surrounded Art Show + Scorpios + Joe Jackson

And now for the weekend. As you read this, I’ll be exploring the exquisite Love Boat-esque city of Acapulco. Of course, there are a bajillion and one things going on in town while I’m gone... I’m pretty sure the universe does this on purpose. So if I happen to leave anything out, deal with it.

I’ve already posted about the Anti*Pop Music Festival this week, so go back and read that for a plethora of events happening this weekend.

Get Mental is on hiatus -- I think the last two weeks have been too insane for them and they need a break. The main event for tonight is Surrounded, a group art show featuring twelve of Orlando’s most talented artists, at the new Bold Hype Gallery next to Stardust Video. Artists on the roster include Dolla, Scott Scheidly, Andrew Spear, Charles Marklin, Johannah O'Donnell, Patrick Fatica and more. Check the flyer for full details.

When you’re ready to get your drink on, head over to Peacock Room to celebrate November birthdays with the 4th Annual Scorpio party with music provided by DJs Nigel and Spank. Doug Rhodehamel and Frank Barczak are celebrating their 40th birthdays and are officially over the hill.

I'm also showing my age a bit when I admit that I’m pretty bummed to be missing Joe Jackson at The Plaza Theatre but I guess I have to get over it.

As for the rest of the weekend, you’ll have to refer to my Anti*Pop post again because it’s late, I’m tired and I have to catch a flight in a few hours.

Hasta la vista!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Popcorn Flicks Presents Labyrinth

What happens when the Dark Crystal gets a glam 80's makeover? Throw in David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly goodness and you've got the movie that I loved slashed feared when I was a kid - Labyrinth. The baby on the M.C. Escher ceiling always freaked me out. Catch it tonight in all it's dated awesomeness at Central Park in Winter Park, as part of Popcorn Flicks presented by the Enzian.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Anti*Pop Music Festival Post

Anti*Pop 2008 is upon us and I'm doing a straight copy/paste from their Myspace page, since I am lazy. <3

ANTI*POP MUSIC FESTIVAL returns to Orlando! This November 13 - 16, Central Florida will once again play host to indie acts from all over the nation performing at venues including The Social, The Social Pavilion, The Plaza Theatre, Club Firestone, Will's Pub, AKA Lounge, The Gibson Showroom, Back Booth, Tanqueray's, Wall St. Plaza and more to be announced.

A limited number of festival passes are available for all 4 days good for admission to all Anti*Pop events. Get your passes while you can.

Otherwise, you can purchase tix to shows individually (prices vary $ 5 - 20)... PURCHASE TIX NOW FOR INDIVIDUAL SHOWS


Thu. 11.13
The Future On Films In Space
The Little Debbies
the social
18+ welcome
8 pm

Thu. 11.13
plaza theatre
18+ welcome
7 pm

Thu. 11.13
A Static Lullaby
back booth
all ages welcome
6 pm

Thu. 11.13
gibson showroom
18+ welcome
8 pm

Thu. 11.13
Attached Hands
Dangerous Animals
Basements of Florida
aka lounge
$ 7 tix available at the door
18+ welcome
8 pm

Fri. 11.14
Kayo Dot
Stephen Brodsky (Cave In)
the social
$ 12
18+ welcome
9 pm

Fri. 11.14
OWEN (Mike Kinsella)
Caithlin De Marrais (Rainer Maria)
aka lounge
18+ welcome
9 pm

Fri. 11.14
Kidz In The Hall
Rapper Big Pooh
back booth
$ 12
18+ welcome
8 pm

Fri. 11.14
$ 5 tix available at the door
21+ welcome
9 pm

Fri. 11.14
The Dark Romantics
Have Gun Will Travel
gibson showroom
$ 7 tix available at the door
18+ welcome
9 pm

Sat. 11.15
Suburban Legends
Tooth & The Enamels
club firestone
$ 15
all ages welcome
6 pm

Sat. 11.15
Mike Dunn & The Kings of New England
The Elms
back booth
$ 5 tix available at the door
7 pm

Sat. 11.15
The Postmarks
Rachel Goodrich
the social
$ 15
18+ welcome
9 pm

Sat. 11.15
The Goods
the social pavilion
$ 12
all ages welcome
7 pm

Sat. 11.15
So Help Me Rifle
Tele V. Cheeseburger
hosted by Tooth
$ 5
21+ welcome
9 pm

Sat. 11.15
MARK KOZELEK (of Red House Painters / Sun Kill Moon)
gibson showroom
$ 15
18+ welcome
8 pm

Sun. 11.16
CONOR OBERST and the mystic valley band
The Felice Brothers
Rig 1
club firestone
$ 20
all ages welcome
5 pm

Sun. 11.16
ANTI*POP CLOSING PARTY (after Conor Oberst)
the social
18+ welcome
free with Conor Oberst ticket or $ 7 at the door
9:30 pm


Anti*Pop tix may be purchased at Ticketmaster or the Social box office.



Bands interested in performing should submit via:

Friday, November 7, 2008

This Weekend: Miami vs. Orlando

As you may have already read in Mel’s post earlier this week, Miami is the place to be this weekend: tonight Toxic Avenger and Franki Chan, tomorrow Crookers. But maybe you can’t just drop everything and gallivant down there. Maybe you’re super loyal to this town or just broke as a joke, like me. In any case, if you’re staying put in O-town, here are some options.

Ahhh, the old Knock Knock. Before the travesty of the worst-named club in town, Suite B, there was a dirty yet comfortable dive bar for all the outcasts and lushes to intermingle. I have very fond memories of getting kicked in the head by drunk girls on the swing -- fun times! Whether you’re old enough to remember the debauchery or young enough to wonder what the hype was about, come to Sky60 tonight to relive it all. Billy Dill, accurately described as the "ring leader of this obnoxious circus of drunkards," will be celebrating his birthday tonight and the old crew of DJs -- Ken Sherry, Gomez, Q-Burns, Spear and MOT -- will be on hand to help you remember the good ol’ days. Password for free admission is "Joyride."

If jazz sounds like it’s more up your alley, check out The Windham Group over at Peacock along with Nigel and Sef-1.

By now you probably have heard that Redlight Redlight has moved out of the fascist Winter Park regime and have opened a new location at 745 Bennett Road, on the outskirts of Baldwin Park and near the lovely club Roxy (ps... don’t ever go to Roxy). Saturday night beginning at 8 PM they will be hosting a release party for Thomas Hooker Beer from Connecticut. Included on tap will be Hooker Blonde Ale, IPA, Hooker Lager and Irish Red, so go support Redlight's new location and be the first in Florida to try awesome North-Eastern beer.

If you’re old enough to remember the former Knock Knock, then you’re probably old enough to remember a hippie electronic band called Dubtribe Sound System. The male portion of the duo, Sunshine Jones, will be performing live, along with Buckner and Atnarko.

And Sunday, Sunday, Sunday is the day! Since the weather is so friggin beautiful, there will be another Beer Bomb Bike Tour starting at 3 PM at 903 Mills Market. Unconfirmed stops (may) include Dandelion, Wills, Wallys, Big Daddys, RedlightRedlight and will wrap up at Colonial Lanes in time for Rockstar Bowling. Bikes + Booze = <3.

Finally, if you’re still standing after all the beer and bike action, head over to Tanquerays for K-G and the Band. Check the full Blow Sundays' November schedule.

Whether you're in Miami, Orlando or Timbuktu, have an awesome and safe weekend!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Doug Stanhope (and Hands Up!) @ Backbooth

Man Show veteran Doug Stanhope dresses like that guy you used to buy weed from in the back of the quickie mart when you were a git. He "bases himself out of Bisbee, Arizona, continuing to record, tour, pander, subvert and cancel according to the demands of supporting dogs Ichabod, Henry Philips and Bingo his Bipolar Girlfriend." He's a funny fucker.

Tonight, Stanhope was set to appear at Will's pub, which we know, is still not open, so instead, will appear at backbooth. Tickets are $20 (age 18 and older) and doors open at 10:30. Here's a video of what you can expect.

Also, stick around after the show for Hands Up!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama vs. McCain -- Your Options for Getting Wasted on Election Night

Ummm, do I even have to say it??? IF YOU HAVEN'T VOTED, YOU BETTER GET THE FUCK OUT THERE AND DO IT. This election is WAY TOO IMPORTANT so PLEASE DON'T THROW YOUR VOTE AWAY! I waited an hour and a half last week to vote early so you have ZERO excuses. (Unless you're voting for McCain. Then you can stay home.)

By now you must know that we here at Don't Sleep Orlando are backing Mr. Obama as our new fearless leader. Actually, I guess I can only speak for myself but I would assume Mel-a-Monster is down with the O-man too. So where can you party down (or, in the unlikely case of a Republican victory, drown your sorrows) on election night? Read on.

Before we get down to where you should spend your evening, I suggest you download this song, play it on repeat and then send every goddamn good vibe and positive thought to Obama as humanly possible.

Nas - Black President.mp3

Now, on to the festivities. Phat-N-Jazzy is hosting an Election Night Special with the 10-piece band of Gerry Williams. According to his Myspace page, his influences include Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Al Green, Johnny Guitar Watson and Prince, so you can't really go wrong there.

Over at the Matador, C. U. Next. Tuesday will be holding another election party to either "attempt to fix the last eight years or one hundred more in Iraq." Let's hope for the former.

And finally, while I do not usually support or endorse the lameness that is Church Street, the hip hop duo of DJ Y-Not and Dolo will be playing their election night street party. Warning: you may be surrounded by super-white republicans, but at least the music will be tight.

And download Y-NOT's latest mix of super awesome presidentialness to get you in the spirit!

And on a completely unrelated Halloween note, I had the best costume of all time: Stevie Wonder.

Yes We Can... Change the World!

Monday, November 3, 2008

This week....Get Ready

We begin to prepare ourselves for the upcoming week. Since i know that most of you don't know the first thing about time management, I decided to give you an early heads up of this week's amazing events.

First of all, here is your list of things to remember:
  • Many people love to conserve gas, so call out of work a few days this week so you can get yourself around to all the cool shit going on.
  • get plenty of sleep, take naps frequently throughout the day, sneak a snore in your office bathroom, learn to sleep with your eyes open
  • start a multi-vitamin regimen. Believe me, you'll need it.
This week, ladies and gentlemen, get ready.

Tonight, Monday November 3:

Pauly Crush has a big heart, really he does. He acts all tough and cool and whatnot, but hes really just a nice guy. And he's proving it tonight, cuz All profits go to the Orlando's Creative School for Children. This is a great time for you to get sloshed for a good cause, so prepare yourself for an other wise frugal and take a few extra dollars with you for the benefit of some kids, yeah?

Get in FREE before 11 by signing up on the CRUSH Guest List before 8pm every Monday. Free Beer and cheap shot specials all night!

Wednesday, November 5thTotally Michael and MC Chris tear it up at The Social, along with Whole Wheat Bread. Doors at 8:00PM, $12.00, All Ages. If youre like me and can't really stand MC Chris, shut up, buy some earplugs and drink heavily. Totally Michael is totally Worth it.

Tickets available at the Social Box Office, the door, and Ticketmaster locations.

I should have an interview with him, so check back for more info on that. Attend the show, rock out, go home and get some sleep (Thursday would be one of those opportune days to call out of work - tell them the you're having manic depressive episodes and you think its because of the election, then sleep all day.

Thursday, November 6th

Remember being 15 and thinking you were the coolest shit in the world cuz you knew the words to peaches? yeah, relive your golden adolescence tonight at the House of Blues with the freaking Presidents of the United States of America and appropriately celebrate the conclusion of the most fucked up election ever (regardless of who wins)

tickets will run you $18.50 - $53.00 and doors are at 7:00pm. All Ages welcome, check the website for info on where to buy tickets.

Friday, November 7th
Now, all that sleeping and not driving yourself to work pays off. Because Friday, you should drive your happy ass over to my hometown to hang out with the I Heart Comix crew at the Vagabond. Franki will once again roll through town with Toxie and Clayton in tow pretty much guaranteeing a night of debauchery for the rest of us.

Remember last time they were around? You do, vaguely. Maybe you shouldn't get so trashed at parties. Or maybe you should since it makes for entertainment for the rest of us.

See past Franki and Toxie galleries Here, Here and Here.

Saturday, November 8th

I strongly advise you sleep till at least 3 or 4 pm, eat a good nutritious meal (La Caretta and Taco bell are NOT considered nutritious) like around 5:50 and then get ready to head to Heathrow at 10 for MotherFucking Crookers.

Hosted by Bronques (yeah, that last night's party dude) and featuring our very own Pauly Crush, its bound to be a freaking fiasco, since a good chunk of O-town seems to be making the trip. Look for a write-up from Smile Contributor Vegas coming soon!

As always, KColl and I will be out and about, and for updates, interviews and whatever the hell else i feel like posting, you can always go check Smile For Camera! And come back later for updates on more Orlando Events from Becky, who I'm sure will give you passwords and info on all the fun nights for you local minded individuals.

So for now, let us share a moment of silent reflection, while we prepare ourselves for a fun fun intensive week!