Ahhh, the old Knock Knock. Before the travesty of the worst-named club in town, Suite B, there was a dirty yet comfortable dive bar for all the outcasts and lushes to intermingle. I have very fond memories of getting kicked in the head by drunk girls on the swing -- fun times! Whether you’re old enough to remember the debauchery or young enough to wonder what the hype was about, come to Sky60 tonight to relive it all. Billy Dill, accurately described as the "ring leader of this obnoxious circus of drunkards," will be celebrating his birthday tonight and the old crew of DJs -- Ken Sherry, Gomez, Q-Burns, Spear and MOT -- will be on hand to help you remember the good ol’ days. Password for free admission is "Joyride."

If jazz sounds like it’s more up your alley, check out The Windham Group over at Peacock along with Nigel and Sef-1.

By now you probably have heard that Redlight Redlight has moved out of the fascist Winter Park regime and have opened a new location at 745 Bennett Road, on the outskirts of Baldwin Park and near the lovely club Roxy (ps... don’t ever go to Roxy). Saturday night beginning at 8 PM they will be hosting a release party for Thomas Hooker Beer from Connecticut. Included on tap will be Hooker Blonde Ale, IPA, Hooker Lager and Irish Red, so go support Redlight's new location and be the first in Florida to try awesome North-Eastern beer.

If you’re old enough to remember the former Knock Knock, then you’re probably old enough to remember a hippie electronic band called Dubtribe Sound System. The male portion of the duo, Sunshine Jones, will be performing live, along with Buckner and Atnarko.

And Sunday, Sunday, Sunday is the day! Since the weather is so friggin beautiful, there will be another Beer Bomb Bike Tour starting at 3 PM at 903 Mills Market. Unconfirmed stops (may) include Dandelion, Wills, Wallys, Big Daddys, RedlightRedlight and will wrap up at Colonial Lanes in time for Rockstar Bowling. Bikes + Booze = <3.

Finally, if you’re still standing after all the beer and bike action, head over to Tanquerays for K-G and the Band. Check the full Blow Sundays' November schedule.

Whether you're in Miami, Orlando or Timbuktu, have an awesome and safe weekend!
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