The Faint is back in Orlando tonight, making a stop at Firestone on tour to promote their new album, Fasciinatiion. They put on a hell of a live show at The Social Pavilion a few years back, packing the parking lot venue and turning it into an electrified indie dance party.
The Faint - The Geeks Were Right.mp3
The Faint - Paranoiattack.mp3
And bonus remix from Does It Offend You, Yeah
The Faint - The Geeks Were Right (Does it Offend You, Yeah remix).mp3
Pop Off is hosting an official afterparty over at The Social, which is free with your ticket or $5 otherwise. BEWARE: The Social has recently converted to non-smoking (probably a good thing) and JACKED up their drink prices ($9 for vodka + soda?!?!?! You have to be out of your mind!!! This is not Miami!!!). While we definitely want to support the Pop Off guys because they kick so much ass, this will most likely force us to promptly head next door to more reasonably-priced Bar BQ Bar for alcohol.

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