If you’re feeling artsy and bugged out, check out Doug Rhodehamel’s latest art installment, Larva (Get it? Bugged out? Larva? Anyways.) over at Will's Pub.

Here are the copy/paste-style details since the flyer is a tad small.
LARVASee? Not a single hater remark in this post! Aren't you proud of me? It doesn't matter - my opinions are what make this blog worth reading. You know you love it.
an installation by Doug Rhodehamel
Will's Worm! Will's Worm! Party Time! Excellent!
On Tuesday May 26th I will create a giant, inflated, larva-like structure in the lovely Orlando Florida cozy spot that is Will's Pub.
This will be my first attempt at something like this. If all goes well, it should look really really cool!
Speaking of really cool, A Scissors, as well as Algarhythm will be making some music!
All for the unbelievable price of FREE!
- Big air filled Larva.
- Music by: A Scissors.
- Free!