Anyways, if the rain finally decides to stop, or if you can rock a pair of galoshes like nobody’s business, then wade your way to one of these parties tonight.
The almighty Rocksteady crew is taking on Brownsville tonight for Sound Clash Soul @ Peacock: Kittybat and Diddles vs. Nigel and ThinkDifferent. Serato will be in effect.

And it seems the monthly Good Look party has been moved from beloved Bikkuri Sushi. Why? According to a cryptic Facebook message, it seems Bikkuri has been violating city codes and has been shutdown indefinitely. So much for the secret venue with seizure-inducing disco lights (they were a cool photo backdrop, though). The new home of Good Look is The Beacon, which just doesn’t seem the same. Maybe it’s the frat boy-esque, “see and be seen” vibe that accompanies most of the restaurants in Thorton Park. Can the Good Look kids thrive in this kind of environment? We’ll find out tonight.

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