Music Never Forgets tonight at Sky60 (weather permitting, of course) with MOT, Spear and Huggy.

I’m guessing this one may be canceled. If so, check out Nigel and Gomez at Crooked Bayou instead.
Tomorrow during the day, there’s a special event that has somehow managed to pair beer tasting with couch racing. Not really sure what that’s all about but it sounds interesting.

If skateboards and artwork are your thing, check out Pushin’ VIII at Bold Hype tomorrow night. Over 30 local artists have decorated – you guessed it – skateboard decks for the show which will all be on display. Afterparty immediately following at Stardust with Mot and Johnny Five Mikes.

Another art party, False Alarm, will be taking place down at the warehouse space on west Central Ave featuring DJs Cub and Mo.

Haven’t really seen anything for Sunday yet except for a drunken crawfish boil which is sure to be full of drunken frat boys. I’m sure you can find a soggy BBQ here or there. Have a nice holiday!

1 comment:
I don't get it. You say you started this blog to show how Orlando has dope happenings but you constantly trash talk the events by saying its full of frat boys.
Fun is what you make of it. STOP BEING SO JUDGEMENTAL.
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