"The Oxford English Dictionary has a fine description of how to hunker: 'squat, with the haunches, knees, and ankles acutely bent, so as to bring the hams near the heels, and throw the whole weight upon the fore part of the feet.' The advantage of this position is that you're not only crouched close to the ground, so presenting a small target for whatever the universe chooses to throw at you, but you're also ready to move at a moment's notice."
If you're brave enough to face the wrath of Fay this evening, you (might) have some options. C. U. Next. Tuesday at Matador:

And word of mouth has it that Crooked Bayou is hosting a new Tuesday night hair metal party called... wait for it... Steel Vagina. Wow. They have assured their loyal patrons that they will be open tonight because they aren't afraid of a stupid li'l tropical storm.
PS... Stone Temple Pilots have canceled. Bummer.
Rock on, brave kids!
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